Ainize (Deploy)

Javascript Tetris is a simple web application. With this example, we will show you how to deploy a Github Project on Ainize.

Prepare Steps

1. Fork the Javascript Tetris repo at the GitHub repository below:

2. Check your forked repo at${YOUR-GITHUB-ID}/javascript-tetris.

3. Switch branch to finished, and make sure there is a Dockerfile.

If you are not familiar with Dockerfile, check out Dockerize chapter.

Ainize Steps

1. On Ainize, enter a github repo url and click Go.

2. Select the 'finished' branch and click the Add button.

3. Check the status of your deployment.

4. Set a demo path, and let's play Tetris.

5. 🎉Your javascript Tetris is now Ainized! 🎉 Share yourendpoint link with your friends.

Last updated